Cloud Threat Hunting: Defending AWS & Azure
ISBN: 9781644593790CYATTK-CLOUD.AE1
Acquire the skills to harness machine learning (ML) for proactive cybersecurity defense and infrastructure security.
(ML-CYBERSEC.AJ1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-511-412+ Interactive Lessons | 19+ Exercises | 82+ Quizzes | 56+ Flashcards | 56+ Glossary of terms
19+ LiveLab | 18+ Video tutorials | 41+ Minutes
Have questions about our AI and machine learning for cybersecurity course? Find answers here.
Contact Us NowWhile no formal prerequisites are required, a basic understanding of programming concepts, machine learning in threat detection, and Python language is recommended.
Potential job roles include cybersecurity analyst, data scientist, machine learning engineer, and security researcher.
Our practical machine learning for cybersecurity course will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a career in cybersecurity, data science, or machine learning.